Welcome to American Journal of Research

American Journal of Research (AJR) is an open access, peer-reviewed International Journal, that provides rapid publication (monthly) of research articles, review articles and short communications on all subjects. Every article published in AJR will be provided with a unique DOI and the metadata is submitted to CrossRef. and Google Scholar. For details, check Indexed link of Journal.

The Journal Invites Research articles that have significant impact on scientific and academic community. All the submitted papers will be assigned with a Unique Manuscript Number within 24 hours after submission. This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer’s and the author’s identities are remained undisclosed throughout the review process. The Reviewing process is completed within 10 days after submission. The manuscripts will be published online shortly after acceptance and the article proof will be mailed to the corresponding author. Please read “Instructions to authors” before submitting your manuscript. manuscript.

Why Publish with AJR

  • Every article provided with DOI (Digital Object Identifier System).
  • Publication within a short period after acceptance.
  • Papers abstract/indexed by all the major scientific indexing services.
  • Online manuscript submission.
  • Updates about your manuscript delivered via e mail and SMS.
  • Blind Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal.

Latest Journals

November 19, 2020

2020, 11-12 issue of the Journal

Content Seemingly injective von Neumann algebras      Gilles Pisier Estimation of Heavy Metals in the Roadside Plants (A Case Study of Lahore City, Pakistan)       Sana […]
September 17, 2020

2020, 9-10 issue of the Journal

Content Criminological description of the resident crime       Karshiev Gulomjon Sayfullaevich Export Performance of Three Major Sectors and a View on Export Concentration: A Study on […]